Sunday, March 31, 2013

She suddenly hugged me :')

I just feel like posting this up so I will not forget this night.

Had a wonderful time at Masjid Sultan as me & Shikin attended a talk called "Patience in the face of adversities".
While Ustaz Tarmizi was talking, a powerpoint slide came out with a number, telling us to ask any question on "patience" if we do have one.
So I texted that number immediately asking "How patient can we be? whenever I try to be very patient, I have people around me telling me not to be too nice or people would step on our heads. so how patient can we be?"
then the Q&A session began, the answer from Ustaz Tarmizi seemed perfectly alright to me.
He said that we can never be as patient as Rasulullah s.a.w but we must strive to be as close him.  (summarised).
True uh. So noone can tell me to stop, if I do want to stay patient on the problem for as long as I like, then I can.

And yesterday I volunteered for "Moving the mountain" with Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, but something more important, if not, as important as it is cropped up, it's to see Kak Yna & the kids again after so long. My mum asked me to come along to carry Hyedar because she still couldn't carry heavy load. Yes, Hyedar is heavy, and he's very active.

I came, Tahlil dah start, then lepas tu baru dorang sampai.
I salam everyone. It was awkward and I was so nervous at first but I braved myself to salam every single one in the house and even went out of the house to salam Abg Fadli (Actually the one I HAVE to face because...haiiii....I tried to kill him once. He tried to kill me too not long time ago.)

I couldn't find my strength to talk to Kak Yna & the kids macam dulu but it's okay, I'm glad enough to see they are all fine. And plus Kak Yna was very quiet, maybe she was scared to talk to me too.

What made me teared was, my dearest, Ernie Emelina suddenly hugged me when I was about to go home :'| Ya Allah, a very quiet girl, autistic, always playing with herself, suddenly hugged me.
She's able speak more now, Alhamdulillah but her action, spoke louder than words indeed.
"Abang Haziq, Ernie miss you so much." That's what her body said, I know.

That's my night and I still can't believe that happened. Thank you for today dear Allah.
Indeed, waiting for the right moment to apologise to Kak Yna & meeting them paid off.
I have more to do but today, it started and ended so damn well. ALHAMDULILLAH.